We also got to go to Liberty park this week and as usual the kids had tremendous fun. It really is a great park, it is made so that anyone of any age could really enjoy it. There is lots of shade, lots of water, food, drinks, rides, a playground, tennis courts, horse shoes, and all sorts of stuff. Again I am going to post some pics.
First pictures are of "The Canyons"- these were a series of different water canals that the kids could play in and they were all different. I tried to get them in order we started from left to right and played in them all. At the end all of the canals and things weave into a little pool. This is Parleys also
This is Big Cottonwood also.
After the canyons we grabbed a snow cone. The concession stand was by the old rides that they have at the park - and yes they actually run them. There was also a merry go round and ferris wheel and maybe some little cars?
It also seemed like Tracy Aviary was located over here- we opted not to go there this day.Finally we hit the park.
This park is big and there is also a mini splash park here to , and somehow i did not take pictures.
The energy seemed endless.
We had family join us at the park later on, it was such a great time visiting with everyone. But I spent most of my time chasing kids.
Day turned to night and my uncle brought all the kids glow sticks- Big Hit! Thanks Unc!
This is gramps with his glasses on.
Time to go home.
There is also a lake at the park , and paddle boats but they were way on the other end and we never even saw them. We were at Liberty Park for approximately 7 Hours and we had so much fun. Thanks to all the family that went out of their way to come visit- we had a blast!
And a great big HUMONGO thanks to my mom and dad for letting us crash at their house for like 5 days, feeding and accomodating us and showing us such a great and fun time. We loved every minute.
Where did my little girl go?
8 years ago
Cutekins - this was so much fun! I had a blast. It was good to see Uncle Ken with the little ones, too. He just loves kids. I love my little family even though I don't get to see you all enough. Not nearly enough!
Love ya tons,
Red the hoodoo
Your kids are so cute! I'm almost all caught up on blog reading here and just wanted to comment and let you know that I read as often as I can.
Oh - and I really like your layout! =)
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